A Note of Thanks
Thank you notes are an absolute essential for bridal showers and wedding gifts. They acknowledge the receipt of your gift, as well as your thankfulness in receiving it. There are many "rules and guidelines" when it comes to writing and sending thank you cards. I have several friends who years after their wedding still have a cousin or some other relative who isn't happy because their thank you card didn't come in a timely manner, or thought the wording wasn't "appreciative enough." Personally, I am terrible when it comes to sending thank you notes. Seriously terrible. Even now, when someone brings me dinner or a gift, I verbally tell them thank you and am very honest in letting them know I'm terrible at sending notes - but that I truly appreciate their help or gift. Since I hate writing thank you notes so much, I never expect to get one. And if I do, I just glance over it, then into the recycle bin it goes. Note to reader: This technique does NOT wor...